Adopt-A-Road Program
Carroll County
Keep Carroll Beautiful’s Adopt-A-Road Program (AAR) organizes and manages volunteer activities that focus on removing litter from Carroll County roads.
How to participate in AAR
The AAR Program is modeled after the Georgia Department of Transportation’s Adopt-A-Highway program. To participate, interested parties will have to review and agree to the Adopt-A-Road manual.
AAR volunteers can be individuals, families, social, civic, or community groups, and businesses. Each group visits a 1-mile section of an assigned road at least FOUR times per year.
Ready to join the AAR Program? Give us a call at 678-321-4816 or send us a message with a few details about your group and the road you would like to tend to.

KCB provides:
- Signage on the mile adopted by the volunteers, which includes the name and/or logo of the adopting group.
- Help with the scheduling of the quarterly clean-up events.
- Annual recognition for the volunteer group.
- Supplies!
- High visibility safety vests
- Trash bags
- Gloves
- Litter pickup sticks
- Keep Carroll Beautiful will schedule a pickup for the bags of trash collected during cleanups.
After the cleanup
Let us know how many volunteers participated, how many bags of trash were picked up, and how much time it took to clean up your road.

Interested in adopting a mile?
- Choose your road or pick one from the sections suggested by KCB staff.
- Recruit participants 12 years or older. (For groups with children under 12 years old, we suggest looking into the Adopt-A-Trail program.)
- Review and sign the Adopt-A-Road agreement.
- Review and sign parental consent forms and release of liability forms provided by Keep Carroll Beautiful.
- Schedule at least four clean-ups per year. Once a quarter works great!
- Monitor your mile between clean-ups.
- Report clean-up results to Keep Carroll Beautiful. Please take and share pictures!
Funding for the Adopt A Road Program
2023 BRACE Grant
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division and Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation awarded $5,000 in BRACE Grant to Keep Carroll Beautiful to furnish much-needed safety vests, warning signs, and cleaning supplies for the Carroll County Adopt-A-Road program. The purpose of the BRACE Grant Program is to reduce litter, blight, and illegal dumping on public property and encourage code enforcement efforts. Funded through the Solid Waste Trust Fund (SWTF), the grant program is designed to provide assistance to Georgia communities to address these challenges.
2019 CEMC Foundation Grant
Thanks to the Operation Round Up Impact Grant Award in May 2019, Keep Carroll Beautiful was able to restock the much-needed cleanup supplies. The Adopt-A-Road volunteers will enjoy new trash bag holders and utilize longer pickup sticks, as requested by our taller volunteers. With the addition of new pickup sticks, getting parts to repair the current sticks, purchasing rubber and work gloves, and stocking up on trash bags, our Adopt-A-Road Program can ensure safer and more comfortable work conditions for our dedicated groups.

You can help improve our community by signing up for Operation Round Up with Carroll Electric Membership Cooperative. “Operation Round Up lets Carroll EMC Members volunteer to have their electric bills rounded up to the next highest whole dollar, with the extra change dedicated to charitable causes. Though a donation of less than a dollar may not sound like much, this “small change” given on a regular basis amounts to big support for our local communities. It’s an easy way to show you care.”

Active AAR Groups
Rotary Club of Carrollton
Carrollton Civic Woman’s Club
Alpha Kappa Alpha
College Girls Rock
Flowers Baking Company
Lambda Theta Alpha
Lambda Theta Phi
Carrollton Jr. Woman’s Club
Women of Diversity
Chi Phi Fraternity
Carrollton Beta Club
Tanner IT Department
African-American Male Initiative
Jerry & Susan Frith
Southwire Project Gift