Your support matters!
As a 501(c)3 non-profit Keep Carroll Beautiful (KCB) relies on donations from companies and individuals. While we take advantage of any grants available to our organization, most grants have limited funding for administrative and operating costs. We appreciate your support in keeping our events and programs free to the residents of Carroll County!
KCB is working hard to be transparent in what we do and how we spend the funds you so graciously share with our organization. We are proud to have a Guidestar Seal and are working on the Standards of Excellence Certification. Any donation to KCB is tax-deductible.
Donate to KCB
We appreciate your contributions and use a secure PayPal Donation page to process everyday gifts. No PayPal account? You can still use the link and give with a card.
Donate to KCB Fund
In 2020, Keep Carroll Beautiful opened a fund with the Community Foundation of West Georgia with hopes to generate money for beautification and other projects so we can continue to give back to the community.