For businesses to enroll the following qualifications must be met:

-Clean and maintain the perimeter and the right-of-way in front of the business

-Keep receiving and storage areas, parking, landscape, and dumpster area clean and free from litter and debris

-Purchase a minimum of one block of Georgia Power’s or Carroll EMC’s Green Energy per month. Links for each program may be found here:

Carroll EMC        Georgia Power

-Designation of one employee to be a company liaison with KCB, Inc. This employee will be required to attend biannual training luncheons and coordinate a 30 minute max site visit by a representative of the KCB Green Business Committee upon completion of application every 6 months thereafter

-Verified practice of at least one measure from each of the following areas: Water Conservation, Energy Conservation, Pollution Prevention, and Solid Waste Reduction*

*Being a recipient of a Georgia Green Loan also fulfills this qualification


Membership Levels


Businesses participating at this level will meet all minimum requirements.


Businesses participating at this level will meet all minimum requirements plus practice an additional 6 measures from any Green Business Measure category.*


Businesses participating at this level will meet all minimum requirements plus practice an additional 12 measures from any Green Business Measure category, but must practice at least 2 measures from each category.*


Businesses participating at this level will meet all minimum requirements plus practice an additional 18 measures from any Green Business Measure category, but must practice at least 3 measures from each category.*

*Measures not on the list or industry specific will be considered and decided upon by the green business committee

*Sponsorship of community garden plots, donations of resources, provision of volunteers for events, having an employee serve as a member on the board of KCB, etc. may be substituted for one measure each for each level above bronze